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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter At Home?

It's strange to be home at Easter. Jen and I are almost always in Vegas on this weekend for Viva Las Vegas. Because of Easter falling early this year, VLV doesn't begin for another few weeks. It isn't so strange that I wrote a very similar post to this four years ago when we were on our way to VLV.

It isn't strange because I feel this way every year this time, a feeling of hope and renewal. Maybe it comes from a Christian upbringing. Maybe it just comes because winter is over and spring is here and for eons human beings have held celebrations at this time of year, though most probably don't involve Rockabilly music, loud cars, tatted-up pinups, and Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I've always liked Mardi Gras because it was that one last Bacchanalian celebration before setting my sights on making some real changes come Easter. I would say that sometimes I was marginally better. Usually I just realized that I was another year older and my Rock-n-Roll lifestyle wasn't doing my body much good. (Three or four nights in Vegas will do that to you.)

This year has been different. The changes I have made have been "out-of-band" so to speak, not occurring in the regular course of events. Mardi Gras was less "Mardi Gras" this year, knowing, as really I always have, that true change comes little by little, day by day.

Easter time this year has me feeling the same feelings as always, hope and revitalization. There is still so much I need to work on as a person. Winter had me pretty down. (The meds help a lot to whitewash it.) Now the sun is up, the daffodils are blooming, and the Cubs are on the t.v. (Someone needs to re-energize the Cubs starting rotation, however!) I'm motivated. I hope you are too. For whatever challenges you are facing and whatever your faith, this is a great time to "get after it" as my old football coach used to say.

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