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Friday, July 14, 2017

What is Yacht Rock? Not very smooth of you to ask, my man.

Taking a break from my other blog post to put down a few words about Yacht Rock. If you don't know, each summer SiriusXM dedicates a channel to the smooth listening favorites of the late '70s and early '80s. Think Christopher Cross and Michael McDonald. This is my jam, especially as background when working from home on a hot July day.

Of course there are just so many incredible easy-listening hits that one decade can produce. Also, just as there is only so much Eazy-Cheese that a person can injest in one sitting, there is only so much easy-listening that even I can take. Shortly after I told Alexa to play Yacht Rock this morning, "Escape (The Pina Colada Song)" came on, which is pretty much the anthem of Yacht Rock. I told myself, "Okay, once 'Escape' comes back on, that will be enough Yacht Rock for the day." Well, early afternoon here and it just came back on, so we'll have to switch and maybe have the Tour de France play in the background. It IS Bastille Day, and I'm about 4 or 5 stages behind at this point. Okay, maybe we'll just have to wait until this sweet Al Jareau jam is over.

(Edit: Guns N' Roses Radio is playing over on channel 41. Now playing: "Rocket Queen")

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